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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

The Charioteer

The Charioteer - Mary Renault

bookshelves: autumn-2013, published-1953, radio-4, fradio, glbt, wwii, winter-20132014

Read from November 25 to December 06, 2013



BBC BLURB: fter an injury at Dunkirk, Laurie Odell is sent to a veterans' hospital to convalesce. There he befriends Andrew, a conscientious objector serving as an orderly. But when Ralph, a mentor from his school days, reappears in his life, Laurie is forced to choose between the sweet ideals of innocence and the distinct pleasures of experience.

Read by: Anton Lesser Abridged by Eileen Horne
Produced by Clive Brill A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.

1. Idealistic Laurie Odell is up in arms when his hero, prefect Ralph Lanyon, is expelled from their school for immorality, and Ralph bequeaths him a life-changing book.

2. Laurie is stuck in a rural veteran's hospital, struggling with bad news about his injury. Then he meets a new orderly, a young conscientious objector called Andrew Raynes.