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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror And Faith In 1605

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror And Faith In 1605 - Antonia Fraser

bookshelves: earlymodern16c-18c, britain-england, history, nonfiction, fraudio, spies, published-1996

Read in August, 2009

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 (1996) A non fiction book by Antonia Fraser, unabridged and read by Patricia Gallimore.

What else could come after a re-visit to V for Vengeance?

This is how I like my history, Fraser and Ackroyd are the best IMHO, but I am not so sure I am buying into the Shakespeare connection - what do you think!?