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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

The Shadow of the Sun

The Shadow of the Sun: My African Life - Ryszard Kapuściński

bookshelves: african-continent, essays, one-penny-wonder, nonfiction, war, colonial-overlords, winter-20112012, travel, afr-ghana, published-1998, history, lifestyles-deathstyles, paper-read, translation, afr-tanzania, afr-uganda, afr-kenya, afr-mauritania, afr-ethiopia, afr-nigeria, afr-rwanda, afr-drcongo, witches-and-wizards, afr-somalia, afr-senegal, afr-liberia, afr-cameroon, afr-mali, afr-eritrea, teh-brillianz, afr-niger

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Read from January 04 to 07, 2012


Translated from the Polish by Klara Glowczewska.

Opening - More than anything, one is struck by the light.

Page 122 - In the desert, the first thing man sees when he opens his eyes in the morning is the face of his enemy - the flaming visage of the sun.

Page 125 - The water, disgusting Saharan water - warm, dirty, thick with sand and sludge - extended my life but took away my vision of paradise.

Page 199 - For years now the regime in Khartoum has availed itself of the weapon of hunger to defeat the South's inhabitants. It is doing today with the Dinka and the Nuer what Stalin did with the Ukranians in 1932: it is starving them to death.

from wiki - The Shadow of the Sun (Polish: Heban) is a non-fiction book by the Polish writer Ryszard Kapuściński, published in English translation in 2001.

Kapuściński, a journalist who covered Africa from 1957 to the 1990s, wrote a number of books about his experiences in the continent and all over the world which have been widely translated. This book is a collection of essays spanning more than four decades. Each could stand alone as a finished work, yet together they form a unique portrait of Africa, its peoples and the writer himself. From the initial enthusiasm in the 1950s when colonial power began to wane to the destruction of that dream and war and starvation, Kapuściński sees it all.