bookshelves: autumn-2011, cosy, flufferoonies, fraudio, published-1996, mystery-thriller, those-autumn-years
Read in November, 2011
Unabridged and read by the author, Simon Brett. 5hr 33mins
Blurb - Melita Pargeter, the genteel heroine of Simon Brett's series of whimsical cozies, is hardly your typical moll. Then again, the late Mr. Pargeter was considered (by his criminal cohorts, at least) a veritable prince among men. Now that he is gone (while his fortune lives on), Mrs. Pargeter decides to use some of her inheritance to build a country home. For such a large undertaking, Mrs. P. turns to someone she can trust, an old friend of her husband's who sports the moniker "Concrete Jacket." Despite his best intentions to keep on the straight and narrow while in Mrs. Pargeter's employ, it isn't long before Concrete finds himself in hot water when a corpse turns up in the wine cellar--to his dismay, all the evidence points to him. Before the cell door can slam behind him, the redoubtable Mrs. Pergeter is on the case, aided by the shadiest bunch of do-gooders this side of Robin Hood's Merry Men. Good writing, hilarious plot twists, and great characters make Mrs.Pargeter's Plot loads of fun.
#1 A Nice Class of Corpse (1986) - 3*
#2 Mrs, Presumed Dead (1988) - 3.5*
#3 Mrs Pargeter's Package (1990) - 3.5*
#4 Mrs Pargeter's Pound of Flesh (1992) - 3*
#5 Mrs Pargeter's Plot (1996) 3*