155 Following

Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

One Corpse Too Many

One Corpse Too Many - Ellis Peters

bookshelves: re-read, spring-2010, fraudio, historical-fiction, mystery-thriller, medieval5c-16c, play-dramatisation, series, re-visit-2013, summer-2013

Recommended for: BBC listeners
Read from March 15, 2010 to July 27, 2013, read count: 3

** spoiler alert ** re-visit 2013 is Derek Jacobi TV series. Yum!
S01: E01

Stephen v Maude 1138
jeepers - why haven't I come across these stories before?

The answer is that, for the most, I must have my head in the sand.

Needless to say I will be hunting down more of this ilk.


re-read details (2010)

With England at civil war in 1138, the medieval monk has a murder on his hands. Ellis Peters' mystery stars Glyn Houston. Broadcast on:
BBC Radio 7, 1:00am Monday 15th March 2010