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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien mp3This is an unabridged version, 92MB, running for almost 6.75 hours.MP3 mono - radio quality. Read by Jim Norton. Jim Norton (born January 4, 1938) is an Irish character actor who frequently plays clergymen, most notably Bishop Brennan in the sitcom Father Ted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In 1940, O'Brien submitted the manuscript for The Third Policeman to Longman's, the English publisher of his first novel, At Swim-Two-Birds, but they declined to publish: "We realize," read the rejection notice, "the author's ability but think that he should become less fantastic and in this new novel he is more so." Deeply discouraged, O'Brien made no further attempts at publication, and shelved the manuscript, claiming that it had been lost. He would later cannibalize elements of The Third Policeman for use in The Dalkey Archive, published in 1964. A year after O'Brien's death, it was finally published by Timothy O'Keeffe, the Irish-born publisher.(from Wikipedia)