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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

The Wise Man's Fear (Kingkiller Chronicles Series #2)

The Wise Man's Fear (Kingkiller Chronicles Series #2) - Read By: Nick PodehlTotal Duration: 42:53:14 opening: D AWN WAS COMING. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.The most obvious part was a vast, echoing quiet made by things that were lacking. If there had been a storm, raindrops would have tapped and pattered against the selas vines behind the inn. Thunder would have muttered and rumbled and chased the silence down the road like fallen autumn leaves. If there had been travelers stirring in their rooms they would have stretched and grumbled the silence away like fraying, half-forgotten dreams. If there had been music . . . but no, of course there was no music. In fact there were none of these things, and so the silence remained.Inside the Waystone a dark-haired man eased the back door closed behind himself. Moving through the perfect dark, he crept through the kitchen, across the taproom, and down the basement stairs. With the ease of long experience, he avoided loose boards that might groan or sigh beneath his weight. Each slow step made only the barest tep against the floor. In doing this he added his small, furtive silence to the larger echoing one. They made an amalgam of sorts, a counterpoint.Blurbs: Day Two: The Wise Man's Fear. "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with nomoon, and the anger of a gentle man." An escalating rivalry with a powerful member of the nobility forces Kvothe toleave the University and seek his fortune abroad. Adrift, penniless, and alone,he travels to Vintas, where he quickly becomes entangled in the politics ofcourtly society. While attempting to curry favor with a powerful noble, Kvothediscovers an assassination attempt, comes into conflict with a rival arcanist,and leads a group of mercenaries into the wild, in an attempt to solve themystery of who (or what) is waylaying travelers on the King's road. All the while, Kvothe searches for answers, attempting to uncover the truthabout the mysterious Amyr, the Chandrian, and the death of his parents. Alongthe way, Kvothe is put on trial by the legendary Adem mercenaries, forced toreclaim the honor of the Edema Ruh, and travels into the Fae realm. There hemeets Felurian, the faerie woman no man can resist, and who no man has eversurvived. Under her tutelage, Kvothe learns much about true magic and the waysof women. In The Wise Man's Fear Kvothe takes his first steps on the path of the hero andlearns how difficult life can be when a man becomes a legend in his own time.ebook and audioI am really not enjoying this, sorry folks. And knowing that there is another 36 hours to go, I am losing the will to live.NEXT!4* The Name of the Wind2* ABANDONED The Wise Man's Fear