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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

The Night Manager by John le Carré

The Night Manager - John le Carré
bookshelves: tv, winter-20152016, published-1993, spies, mystery-thriller, adventure, filthy-lucre, kidnap, weapon-evolution, spring-2016, moidah, moidahrous-march-2016
Recommended for: Laura, Wanda et al
Read from February 18 to March 27, 2016



Description: In the shadowy recesses of Whitehall and Washington an unholy alliance operates between the intelligence community and the secret arms trade. Jonathan Pine is ready to stand up and be counted in the fight against this ultimate heart of darkness. His mission takes him from the cliffs of west Cornwall, via northern Quebec and the Caribbean, to the jungles of post-Noriega Panama. His quarry is the worst man in the world.

John le Carré on The Night Manager on TV: they’ve totally changed my book – but it works

1/6: Hotel night manager Jonathan Pine receives a plea for help from a well-connected guest. His actions draw him into the world of Richard Roper, a businessman and arms dealer.

Even though this was written in 1993 and this BBC rendition encompasses the Egyptian spring more than a decade later, all I can say is... I loved episode one.

2/6: On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, Roper's life of luxury and calm is shattered. Six months earlier, Burr continues her recruitment of Pine, sending him to Devon to build his cover story.

3/6: While he continues to recuperate in Roper's villa, Pine starts to dig up secrets about the other members of the household. Meanwhile, Burr and Steadman seize on an opportunity to recruit a new asset.

4/6: Roper welcomes Pine into his inner circle, leaving Corky out in the cold. Meanwhile, Burr has concerns for the safety of her source when she suspects key information has been leaked to the River House.

5/6: A suspicious Roper gathers his entourage around him in an attempt to root out the traitor, forcing Pine to play a dangerous game. In London, Burr and Steadman face mounting opposition from Whitehall.

6/6: Roper and his team return to Cairo for the deal, reuniting Pine with an old enemy. Pine risks it all to put his plan in motion. A discredited Burr makes one last stand. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0761pkz

Jonathan Pine Tom Hiddleston
Richard Roper Hugh Laurie
Angela Burr Olivia Colman
Lance Corkoran Tom Hollander
Jed Marshall Elizabeth Debicki
Rex Mayhew Douglas Hodge
Juan Apostol Antonio de la Torre
Rob Singhal Adeel Akhtar
Sophie Alekan Aure Atika
Tabby Hovik Keuchkerian
Caroline Langbourne Natasha Little
Frisky Michael Nardone
Sandy Langbourne Alistair Petrie
Simon Ogilvey Russell Tovey