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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

A Question of Upbringing by Anthony Powell

A Question of Upbringing - Anthony Powell


Description: Who is Widmerpool? The question that is to dog Nicholas Jenkins crystallizes as he sees the gawky figure of his schoolmate huffing through the mists on a solitary cross-country run. So unexceptional, unsmart -- even unpopular -- Widmerpool continues to drop in and out of Jenkins life through school, university and London in the 1920's.

Opening: THE MEN AT WORK at the corner of the street had made a kind of camp for themselves, where, marked out by tripods hung with red hurricane-lamps, an abyss in the road led down to a network of subterranean drain-pipes.

A Group Read

Searching out the paintings and books mentioned was fun until the piccies, in the meantime, had been up loaded to the group read site, so that is where you can find them, just click the above link :O)

A great introduction to the main players and an enjoyable re-visit.

First edition cover.

Veronese's Alexander - page 12

5* First Movement - Spring
5* Second Movement - Summer
5* Third Movement - Autumn
5* Fourth Movement - Winter

4* A Question of Upbringing – (1951)
A Buyer's Market – (1952)
The Acceptance World – (1955)
At Lady Molly's – (1957)
Casanova's Chinese Restaurant – (1960)
The Kindly Ones – (1962)
The Valley of Bones – (1964)
The Soldier's Art – (1966)
The Military Philosophers – (1968)
Books Do Furnish a Room – (1971)
Temporary Kings – (1973)
Hearing Secret Harmonies – (1975)