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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

A Cold War by Alan Russell

A Cold War - Alan Russell


Thomas and Mercer

Description: Nina Granville believes her business trip to Alaska will give her a short respite from the merry-go-round that came with her engagement to Congressman Terrence Donnelly. But instead of allowing her the peace she craves, Nina’s getaway from the public eye means that no one witnesses her abduction into a very cold hell.

Taken by a mountain man who calls himself Baer and then transported to a remote cabin surrounded by nothing but frozen wilderness, Nina descends into a nightmare of terror, privation, and bitter cold. Nina’s privileged life did not prepare her for imprisonment at the hands of this survivalist trapper. If she is to live—and to escape—Nina realizes she must do it on her own.

Undaunted and with startling determination, Nina pits herself against her captor, her fear, and nature itself in a battle for her life—but can she win against such deadly opponents?

An eye-scorching read with plenty of eeeews, and smatterings of humour running through the spectrum from subtle to outrageously forced. The poem* was great first run through but Russell subsequently wanted to bang us over the head with it: "Lay off thinking your readers are thick as shite," I shout.

Great dialogue and riveting survival story, until the last 50 odd pages that is, when the storyline jumped the shark in a contrived twist too far.

The hunt is on for Grizzly Adams in BFE.

*Text: The Cremation of Sam McGee By Robert W. Service

Listen to Johnny Cash recite it.