Hardback, withdrawn from Surrey County Library. Quite a selection of black and white photographs included, mug shots of perfection. It is chapter 8 that I am most interested in,
Maids of Norway, however it now looks as if the whole thing will grab me like the proverbial bunny in the headlights.
'For us the end of the war will mean an open road to the east, for the creation of the Germanic Reich in one way or another... the fetching home of 30 million people of our blood, so that during our lifetime we shall be a people of 120 million Germanic souls. That means we shall be the sole decisive power in Europe. That means that we shall be able to tackle peacetime, during which we shall be able for the first 20 years to rebuild and extend our towns and villages, and push the borders of our German race 500 kilometres father out to the east.' Heinrich Himmler, 14 October 1943Reads like any Sword Religion manifesto really, doesn't it *shudders*
So this book outlines how the racial policy was arrived at, chiefly using passages from Darwin's 'Descent of Man', followed then by a swathe of Himmler's history (skimmed). I was a little uncomfortable to be told that some passages from H G Wells 1901 story
Anticipations would have slotted right into Mein Kampf without a look back over the shoulder. Wells wrote:
The ethical system which will dominate the world state will be shaped primarily to favour the procreation of what is fine and efficient and beautiful in humanity - beautiful strong bodies, clear and powerful minds and a growing body of knowledge - and to check the procreation of base and servile types... The method that must in some cases still be called in to the help of man is death... For a multitude of contemptible and silly creatures, fear-driven and helpless and useless, unhappy or hatefully happy in the midst of squalid dishonour, feeble, ugly, inefficient, born of unrestrained lusts and increasing and multiplying through sheer incontinence or stupidity, the men of the New Republic will have little pity and less benevolence.Page 53 - At the beginning of 20th Century German annual birth rate was a healthy 33 per thousand population. By the 1920's it was down to 20.3 and by 1933 only 14.7.
I had not previously known about kidnapping. The SS would wander through Poland and identify candidates of racially pure children then take them back to Germany to be raised. If the child 'reconciled' itself to this then it was given the best that the system could offer, however, if the child fretted then it was killed as a disrupting influence. Clollectively they are known as Children of Poznan.
The end of the book outlines racial extermination in today's world. Overall this is an informative read without any spark or energy from the author... 'just-the-facts-ma'am'. My specific copy has many pencil crosses against paragraphs in the section I was most interested in, so somewhere the stories out of Norway were of specific use to aother, and I like that.
from wiki, a well known lebensborn child -
Anni-Frid Prinzessin Reuss von Plauen (born Anni-Frid Synni Lyngstad, 15 November 1945 in Bjørkåsen, Ballangen, Norway), is a Norwegian-born Swedish pop singer. She was one of the four members of Swedish group ABBA. She is formally styled Her Serene Highness Princess Anni-Frid Synni Reuss of Plauen following her marriage to a German prince of the former sovereign House of Reuss in 1992.
Landsberg prison where Hitler read An outline of Human Genetics and Racial Hygiene by Fritz Lenz"
Wewelsberg - the occult centre of SS - In the large dining room, in direct echo of the English King Arthur, he installed a round table for seating his twelve senior 'knights'."
The ritualised SS naming ceremony for babies born at Lebensborn homes."