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Bettie's Books

A Stuga On the Cusp of the Orust Riviera, tucked away next to a hobbit hole in the woods.

Morocco - S.L. Bensusan More books by this author: http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book//lookupname?key=Bensusan%2C%20S.%20L.%20%28Samuel%20Levy%29%2C%201872-1958painted by A.S. FORRESTIN DJEDIDA"As I have felt, so I have written." - EĊthen. Opening: CHAPTER IBY CAPE SPARTELOver the meadows that blossom and wither Rings but the note of a sea-bird's song, Only the sun and the rain come hither All year long.The Deserted Garden.Before us the Atlantic rolls to the verge of the "tideless, dolorous inland sea." In the little bay lying between Morocco's solitary lighthouse and the famous Caves of Spartel, the waters shine in colours that recall in turn the emerald, the sapphire, and the opal. There is just enough breeze to raise a fine spray as the baby waves reach the rocks, and to fill the sails of one or two tiny vessels speeding toward the coast of Spain. There is just enough sun to warm the water in the pools to a point that makes bathing the most desirable mid-day pastime, and over land and sea a solemn sense of peace is brooding. From where the tents are set no other human habitation is in sight. A great spur of rock, with the green and scarlet of cactus sprawling over it at will, shuts off lighthouse and telegraph station, while the towering hills above hide the village of Mediunah, whence our supplies are brought each day at dawn and sun-setting. THE COURT-YARD OF THE LIGHTHOUSE, CAPE SPARTELOpening: CHAPTER II: FROM TANGIER TO DJEDIDAWhan that Aprille with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages.The Canterbury Tales. A PATRIARCH6* Art2* Prose